• +44 7418 338575
  • info@mellonandcolawfirm.com

Employment Law


Employment Law in Ghana fundamentally deals with the Employer/Employee relationship, Trade Unions as well as Health and Safety measures at the work places. These branches under the Employment Law have various laws enacted to regulate their operations within the Country. Potential areas of Litigation under this area of the law include Wrongful Dismissal, Unfair Termination, Suing the Employer for Vicarious Liability, Injury at the Work Place, and Strike actions.

The firm as a first option seeks to apply our Negotiation and Mediation Skills in very benign settings, to amicably settle most of these Labour issues/disputes for which we are retained/called upon.  

However when such negotiations and mediations do not achieve the desired results, the highly skilled Lawyers apply their sound knowledge of the various Laws/Statues governing this area of the law, as well as best practices to professionally represent clients in order to ensure a fair settlement of their cases.