• +44 7418 338575
  • info@mellonandcolawfirm.com

Extradiction Law


This is the surrender or transfer of an accused or convicted person by one state or country to another.

Melon and Co's role so far as the individual to be extradited is concerned is to provide legal representation for that person. The Firm, through its expertise in the area of Negotiation and Mediation, ensures that the extradition process is conducted in a humane and legally acceptable manner so as to avoid any incident of human rights abuses both within the extraditing country and in the state/country which the accused person is being transferred to.

The Firm also boasts of qualified legal practitioners who are very proficient in both domestic and international laws relating to extradition, and is therefore well-placed to offer consultancy for States/Countries which may be involved in any extradition process.